02-2020 |
I am back ! :)
new : homemade 126 Vacuum tube Theremin
10/01/2012 |
-New : Wide Range Plasma VU meter 120dB
-added two new DS7 pictures to the gallery
20/10/2011 |
-added new DS8 pictures to the gallery
8/01/2011 |
Quantix-8 MIDI editor v2.3
RSF SD140 MIDI editor v1.0
Main new features are:
- Audio engine to listen sounds
- WAV files import /export /convert functions ... Enjoy :)
18/10/2010 |
Today's Updates ...
- MCV876 firmware v3.06 released
Direct link to new features and fixed bugs here
Many thanks to Steven Thomas ( http://www.synthi.co.uk ) for his very complete beta test
- New PC config software for the MCV628 . It work again now ! |
25/08/2009 |
New releases :
Quantix-8 editor software V2.0
Quantix-8 MIDI Remote Control Unit
MCV876 firmware v3.04 for PIC18F2320
MCV876 MIDI Remote Control Unit
12/06/2009 |
MCV876 firmware update V3.03
This version fix a bug relative to the special NoteOff messages management of softwares like Sonar8 , Digital Performer ( Mac) , Reaper or some Edirol keyboards ...
- DS7 : new pictures added to the gallery.
- JH-FS1A description of the Quadrature VCO outputs expansion board.
28/02/2009 |
Release of the CV-Sync LFO module with schematic,bom , pictures , sound clips etc etc ...
Completed the Quantix-8 PC Editor sofware HELP file , not yet finished indeed ...
Updated - DS8 and DS7 pages , new pictures and a FAQ !!! |
27/11/2008 |
Update: DS8 clone schematic, pcbs and web page . Revision 1.1 now ...
New : CV-Sync LFO module |
13/10/2008 |
Quantix-8 software V1.71 released.
Improved MIDI reception and added a parameter for the MIDI time out error delay ...
15/09/2008 |
Update -interface MCV876: firmwares + config softwares v3.02 and v2.72 |
19/08/2008 |
Quantix-8 software V1.70 released
+ 3 soundclips of the Quantix- 8 in sample play mode
+ front panel gallery ! |
05/08/2008 |
-interface MCV876: Multi-channel firmware v3.01+ config software
-interface MCV32 : firmware v1.5 + config software.
-MIDI editor Yamaha DX/TX : the full version with MIDI edition of parameters...
Added pictures and links to the DS7 picture gallery |
20/06/2008 |
Quantix-8 software V1.69a released. Fractal Wavetable generator inside ! |
11/06/2008 |
Quantix-8 construction manual updated ( v1.1a) with the C18 pcb 'bug' correction. |
1/06/2008 |
Quantix-8 rev1.1 release ... |
19/05/2008 |
two new demo sound samples and a video clip about the Quantix-8 check at the page's end. |
16/05/2008 |
MIDI clock MC628 editor software link and files restaured ! |
13/04/2008 |
-Release of the Quantix8
schematics and wavetable Editor Software for PC ! Try it, it 's freeware !
-Updated/completed web page .... |
05/03/2008 |
wavetable/quantizer added pictures and news ! |
09/12/2007 |
Update 'Plasma' Vu-meter page
- IN-9 important notes ...
- pcb 2.1 BOM & schematic released
- Pcb v2.1 is available to order now
24/11/2007 |
'Plasma' Vu-meter page
... Pcb revision 2.1 available . New pictures |
30/10/2007 |
wavetable/quantizer added pictures, soundclip, videoclip,
and many other things...
-DS8 updated pictures....
-Bi-Phase clone v2 :added
Mike Beigel's websitelinks |
21/07/2007 |
Updated the 'Plasma'
Vu-meter page with the stereo version,IN9 and many other
pictures.... |
12/07/2007 |
'Plasma' Vu-meter builded with IN13 tubes... |
03/07/2007 |
the Quantix8
page ... Preliminary work/infos release. |
01/07/2007 |
-Added many sounds
samples to the Warp633
- upgraded the
SD140 dumper to v0.3 . Many
new features added to the software !
- Added DS7/8
pictures |
08/02/2007 |
the PCB service page informations |
29/01/2007 |
- the
Extrapole DG page to transform a classic LP4P VCF into
a powerful multi-function filter
- Added sound samples and front panel pictures to the
Warp633 page |
05/01/2007 |
the chapter MIDI
softwares who contain many homecoded MIDI editors with
tons of good sounds in the library files ... Synths concerned
are : SD140, Matrix 6,
K5 and the SixTrak, DX/TX ( who already
where here but a little bit hidden...) |
04/01/2007 |
- updated pages
- The Quantix
8 project has been reported to a later date... Links removed
- Added few
notes (faq) to the MidiThruBox
- MCV876
firmware updateV2.71 This firmware fixes few internal
bugs encoutered by users of the previous versions ( MTC
locators lock...) MagicBoot and sysex reception have been
- new pages:
- Discrete
812 : Hi-end
"little-big" mixing desk for DAWs- Just the
summary and few pics for the moment...
- To drive V/Hz
synths ( Korg MS ...) with a good accuracy here is the
MCV876 12 bits upgrade
17/09/2005 |
-few more features
for the MCV876 : Gate
outputs 1 to 4 are now assignable to any MIDI controlers
or to any fixed note number ( MIDI note to Trigger/gate
) to drive analog drum synths for example... ...MCV876 Firmware
revision 2.6z61 and PC config software revision is 2.61
- 2 new modules
- ASM1
ultra VCO an improved ASM1 VCO clone ...
Quantix8 ...Wavetable oscillator/Quantizer with memory
editable by MIDI..
- More pictures
added to the DS7 galery .
Thank to all contributors |
14/09/2005 |
-Another important
firmware update for the MCV876
. revision 2.6z5... Now the Pitch Bend
Wheel can be assigned to drive any AuxCV outputs. A much
awaited feature it seems ;) The PC config software has been
updated too with many additional features ( Load/save config
files , Save as sysex file , Pitch Bend ...) |
08/09/2005 |
Long time no
update, so sorry ...
-A major firmware update for the MCV876
. revision 2.6z3... Certified "Bug free"
now :) and the MCV876 page has been translated in english
The MCV876-4CV
is also the interface choosen by Anyware-Instruments
.de to fit the SEMtex 'XL' synthesizer , a great
half modular clone of the famous SEM modules...
-New Pics and text updates for the Quad
VCA module...
That's all for now, more to come .. |
14/10/2004 |
- Warp633
RingModulator Multiply and Divide analog signals
- QuadVCA/CV-Mixer
a multi purpose module based on 4 VCAs
- DS8
Drum Synth Clone A DS7 with a noise generator and
CV input!
- MIDI to CV
computer/interface MCV32
- MCV876
4CV & polyphonic firmware V2.01 . Midi to CV interface
: hardware tool to program PIC16Fxx and serial eproms
Links are
repaired on
X2TS page... |
18/04/2004 |
many pictures of new modules. A lot of text mistakles and
broken links fixed too... |
8/04/2004 |
- PCBs for many
devices are now available on order, logo
- Polivoks
VCF clone ! The Russian sound ...
- Mutron
Bi-Phase Clone V2 now quite finished. Doc, pcbs, sounds...
- Synlib MIDI
editor/library softwares for Sixtrak
- ASM1-X
sound samples added ...
5/11/2003 |
- 2 new projects
: MCV876 MIDI to CV-Gate interface
and OPAZ MIDI knob box
- add demo sound of the Mutron
Biphase Clone V2
- add schematic and draw to the Papareil's Modular pages
- ADSR &
DBX-VCA mainly...
- add pictures to the DS7 clone page
- add better quality pictures of the X2TS
- many bad link regenerated ...and few other text mistake
has been fixed. |
4/08/2003 |
-New pages
Papareil's Modular , picture & sounds.
-New pictures in the X2TS page
-New Mutron
Biphase clone V2 |
19/02/2003 |
-add SynLib
DX-TX pages and files ( sources , softwares, datas )
-modified a reference bug in the DS7 schematic LM324 replace
TL084 |
4/02/2003 |
2 little bugs
fixed in MCV628 firmware ( table notes) and the PC editor |
31/01/2003 |
page |
29/01/2003 |
Add Negative Gate
firmware to the MCV628 page ( for Korg MS synths)...Fixed
a bug in the fimware v1.10 ( no flash eprom write ...) |
20/01/2003 |
Changed name
of the MDI2CV-628 , it is now MCV628
Updated firmware
of the MCV628 ( 48 notes table, sysex...) and added PC config
software . |
01/01/2003 |
Added MIDI2CV-628
interface and updated the MIDI3CV page.
Repaired broken links ( X2-TS sounds ) |
11/2002 |
The entire site
interface has been relooked, this page restart from zero.
also updated:
-New version of the PC config software for the MIDI3CV and
the MC628. is available. ( install, packaging, minor bugs
-Added pictures of the MC628 installed in a Korg SQ10 sequencer. |