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MCV876 - RC MIDI Remote Control Unit



  • To edit all MCV876 parameters with system exclusive messages.
  • 8 memory locations to save/load parameter sets.
  • Recall memories by MIDI program change
  • Work with a +9V battery or a single psu

The MCV876-RC is the hardware equivalent of the following dialog box of the PC editor software
MIDI channel change and 'Send Write to Flash' functions are implemented.

The MIDI Remote Control is compatible with MCV876 firmwares and editor V3. or upper


The MCV876-RC receive system exclusive messages from the PC editor software too. It is a very fast way to fill to setup the memories of the MCV876-RC. The MRC is transparent for all other MIDI messages, on any channel. MCV876-RC messages are merged with incoming ones.

Schematic, pcb ...

The MCV876-RC hardware is similar to the Quantix-8 MRC. The module contain a PIC18F4520,a standart 2x20 LCD display , 6 push buttons, one encoder, two leds and classic MIDI I/Os. The pot/trimmer RV1 is to adjust the LCD contrast as desired. There is also a serial eeprom (reserved for future use) and many connectors for free PIC I/Os . The power supply of the circtuit is +8Vdc up to 20Vdc-with an heatsink on the 7805...

Download the MCV876-RC bill of materials (txt)

Clic to enlarge


Download and burn this file into a PIC 18F4520 ...

MCV876 - RC firmware v1.0. HEX file for PIC18F4520

How it work?

There are 6 push buttons and two leds . The encoder is optional ...

The parameter to edit is selected by center buttons.
To change parameter values there are bottom buttons ( inc = right, dec = left) or the optional encoder .

Top buttons are to access System and Memory modes .

When the System mode is activated ( top left button) : the center left button is to send a MIDI channel change message . The new MIDI channel value is displayed on the LCD and changed by the center right push buton -increase only ... Bottom push buttons are No( left) /Yes( right) to execute the order. Push the top or bottom left button to exit the system mode.

When the Memory mode is activated (top right button): . The red led stay light on. Center buttons are to select the memory location ( 0 to 7) . The top left button is to select LOAD or SAVE function. Bottom buttons are No/Yes to confirm write . Push again the top right button or the bottom left one to exit the Memory mode .

  • The System led blink briefly when a MIDI sysex message is received.
  • When datas are correctly writen to the Flash memory , the system led blink 3 or 4 times ..
  • The memory number 0 is automaticaly loaded by default when the MRC boot .


MIDI RC pcbs + Construction Manual
are available on order

Released 08/2009
Last Update 03/2010

Marc Bareille ©2009-2010