Warp633 is a Ring Modulator /Warper based on the 4 quadrant
multiplier chip AD633 made by Analog Devices.
This module is inspired by Roman Sowa's Ring Modulator schematic upgraded with a "Divide / Multiply " mode selector. The Multiply
mode provide all classic RingMod sounds and applications
:freq doubling, VCA, etc... The "Divide" mode
is a true waveshaper of the outer space. It is "Easy
Clipping "
"Z" input is also available to add offsets for
advanced clipped sounds ...X
and Y inputs are fitted with attenuators. There is a MIX
pot (dry/wet) between the Y direct and the processed signal.
It allow bypassing the ring modulator a very smooth way and
it work in all modes.

WARP633 module compute the following simplified equations
according to the mode switch position.
= (X.Y).m+Z
= (Y/X).m+Z
= signal inputs carrier and modulation ( ac/dc ,10Vpp)
m = gain factor - require one extra
potentiometer (option)
= input to add extern modulation/offset to the output (option)

Prototype picture - Clic to enlarge
Multiply mode is the basic wiring of the AD633 for asymetrical
signals. The divide mode is made by wiring the AD633 into
the feedback loop of an opamp (U2A)
It is a
small module, very simple to build, only few parts are
required. Indeed i advise you to use good quality op-amps
and to put a socket for the AD633 ... Power supply can be +/-12V or +/-15V.

pcb is single side with Spectrol pots footprints ( 3 pots
/short size ). It is designed for the AD633 in DIP8 format
, but as the AD633 in DIP8 package can be hard to find in
the future, i have drawned a small adapter to use the SOIC
with a classic DIP8 socket. Here is this adapter layout and
how to solder the AD633 on it ... It is only valid for
the AD633, do not use it to convert other SMD chips to DIP8

real adapter look like this when finished ...

Here are sound clips using the Warp633 combined with other modules. Provided by Raphaël from Paris.
- Warp633 + Buchla291 clone loop ( mp3)
- Warp633 Guru (mp3)
- Warp633 + Polivoks vcf clone - Loop1 (mp3)
- Warp633 + Polivoks vcf clone - Loop3 (mp3)
- PaisleyWarp Loop ( mp3)
- GroDivide (mp3)
Following files are made with an electric guitar and the MiniWarp633. The guitar is first passed through a Direct Input ( DI) preamp, to get a transparent line level... The DI-preamp do not overload/clip the sound in any way. The preamp output go to the Warp633 'Y' input.A VCO/LFO is connected on the 'X' input .Sine, triangle or pwm waveforms are used at various frequencies. The sound is directly recorded at the Warp633's output.
All the clipped /distorded /detuned sounds are coming from the Warp633 module. Samples have just been normarlised when necessary ...Please be aware that i am not really a guitar player so i did what i could...