The SynLib DX-TX software
is a MIDI editor/Library for YAMAHA DX7-TX7-TX816 synthesizers
Originaly written for ATARI ST (Turbo C) and Falcon 030 (Pure
C ) computers in early 90's, i have re- written the code for
PC under Windows few years ago (97 or 98 ) with Borland C++
builder v1.0
The SynLib DX-TX
editor work with a global library of approx 15000 DX sounds.
It is still possible to transform this library in a large set
of DX/TX banks (32 sounds per banks - functions or performances
are optionnal )

The ATARI ST version work well under the STEEM emulator for PC Sources
can be compiled and modified with this ST emulator.
Atari Falcon 030 versions
and sources are available on request only. It is an evolution
of the ST version working in 16 colors or b&w, compiled
for 68020/30 processors with Pure C .
ST and Falcon030
SynLib softwares are released in 2 versions : a Library editor
( the big editor) and a lighter editor who can work as an accessory
( by renaming it in *.ACC ) It allow graphical edition under
your favorite sequencer ( Cubase /Notator...) while the sequencer
is running . It was a very useful feature to edit sounds in
"real time".
The PC version of the DX-TX editor

- SynLib
DX-TX library sound file
It also work with a customized TX816 rack : the MIDI input selector of the TX816
is automated with MIDI controler n°20 on a predefined channel . See The
MIDI function they forgot on the TX816 !
A word about the
large sound library and sound bank data format :
-Sounds in the library
files are in a DX7 compressed bulk data format + 1 byte config
-Banks are in Steinberg and native DX7 format, with or without
Performance included depending software setting.