The SD140 is a 8/12bits sample drumbox made by RSF in 1985.
To learn more about this rare device check the RSF Official Site. By the time the MIDI sample dump was possible with an Atari ST software, but impossible to find today... So i have coded a new one to do the job . Over the time this small dumper has grown . It now include a little 8 bits sample editor , The Sofware can be used independantly of the SD140 to edit or play all kind of 8bit mono sound files, binary or wav...
- The SD140 Editor work under Window XP and Windows Seven
- Native Sample file format is BINARY ( *.BIN or *RAW )
- Import /export and convert samples as *.WAV files .
- 8 bits Sample editor
- Convert to µLaw255 or Linear
- Audio engine with real time analysis
- Dump all samples by MIDI to/from the SD140
- SD140 Patterns sysex save /Load / dump
- Automatic SD140 sample banks management

Download the
RSF SD140 Editor v1.0
for Windows ( compressed rar -662kB )
To transmit samples by MIDI :
- Wire MIDI IN and OUT cables between the PC and the SD140.
- Activate the System exclusive on the SD140 ( page 3, button Mute )
SD140 midi sample reception is automatic . Clic 'Send sample ' button on the software...It take 2 or 3 minutes to complete the download
To send sample from the SD140 to the PC :
Activate manualy the full download from the SD140...The software will detect incomping samples and download them. It is automatic...When the software is loaded with new samples, they can be saved on the harddisk, all at the same time but each into a different file, usualy all into a folder.... You just need to specify the name of the first file and other ones will be automaticaly named ( 0..10) . Same process to load samples from disk, just clic on the folder name where they are stored and validate. If there are readable samples into this folder they will be loaded to their respective locations...This mechanism do not allow individual sample files manipulation. If a sample file is missing or renamed, it will be ignored.
To transmit SD140 pattern by MIDI :
Same method than with samples . I do not know khow pattern are encoded . If you have infos about this , please let me know... So pattern datas are saved directly as sysex files . .Reloaded and send back the same way .To be sure to save all the paterns memory , use the 'Send All pattenrs' on the SD140. ,
Older version
RSF SD140 Dumper v0.3 for Windows (zip 794k)
More rough than the last revision , this software do the job fine to just Load/save samples to the SD140 , but i bet you whatever you want that you will prefear the v1.0 anyway :)